How to use hashtags on Pinterest and book more clients. A Pinterest Hashtag Guide
A Pinterest Hashtag Guide
Let’s talk Pinterest Hashtags!
Hashtags have long been the go-to marketing tool across social media, with everyone from large business owners to Instagram influencers using them to get their content at the forefront of their audience’s newsfeeds.
Despite everyone hashtagging like a pro, there’s still, in fact, a great deal of confusion around how they work and how to use them to your full advantage for Pinterest. If you’re among the confused majority, you’re in the right place!
How many Pinterest Hashtags.
Why Pinterest Hashtags.
How do Pinterest Hashtags work?
How to find Pinterest Hashtags for your niche.
How many Pinterest Hashtags.
The first thing you really need to understand about hashtags is that you absolutely CAN have too many. Flooding every single post with dozens of hashtags can make your content look amateur and messy, so choose a few of your best hits and stick with them.
One of my top tips would be this: don’t be afraid to experiment with some different hashtags, to allow you to work out which ones attract the most views.
Why Pinterest Hashtags.
First lesson over, why should we use hashtags on Pinterest specifically? Surely hashtags are something for Instagram and Twitter, right? Wrong.
In short, hashtags help pinners find your content. Amidst a world of beautiful content and inspirational visuals, directing potential clients straight to your pins is one of the most important tools that Pinterest offers you. And it doesn’t end there!
Pins with hashtags perform better. It’s that simple, and it’s something I see time and time again in my line of work. Adding relevant hashtags to your pins accelerates performance and helps the Pinterest fairies to identify what your post is about, enabling them to push it to the front of any related search results.
How do Pinterest Hashtags work?
So how do they actually work? As a business owner, the focus of much of your marketing is recommendation and attractive visuals. We work in a very image-heavy industry and standing out from the crowd is a challenge for any creative business. That’s why we have to give ourselves every bit of help we can get – and this includes making everything you do user-friendly and focussed on your customer! The hashtags aren’t just for the Pinterest fairies – they’re for your users too.
On Pinterest, hashtags show up in blue and are clickable – when clicked on, the user will be transported to a whole screen of related search results; all of whom used that same hashtag. That’s where your visuals come in, as at this stage it’s your job to stand out amongst all those competitors. And remember, the more of those related search results come from you, the more likely a potential client will click on your content. So, pick your best hashtags and keep using them! In this game, it’s a matter of quality AND quantity.
A few extra things to remember; hashtag search results display in reverse order. That means the newest pins will show at the top. If that’s not a reason to post regularly and keep refreshing your content, then I don’t know what is!
How to find Pinterest Hashtags for your niche.
Finding correct hashtags for your niche is easy! Pinterest hashtags are not as specific as on Instagram. So don’t use your Instagram hashtags on Pinterest without checking if they exist on Pinterest. You head over to Pinterest and type in a hashtag and check if this hashtag is related to your niche. For instance, you are a graphic designer. You want to know if #modernfont is a popular hashtag and if it already exists on Pinterest. You fill in this hashtag and see if something pops ups. Check in the pins that show up if your hashtag is used. Then you know for sure it’s a relevant hashtag.
And finally, remember this; Pinterest was designed to help inspire people and encourage them to discover new things. Create a strategy around this – go back to the drawing board and spend a day in your target client’s shoes. What might they be looking for and how could they discover you?
If you’re still struggling with how to use hashtags, head to my Hashtags Checklist which will guide you through everything you need to know. I’m also available for Pinterest Management packages; working with you to create a Pinterest strategy that will work hand in hand with your existing online presence and business vision.